This is the first of a 7 day muscle building programme and has been designed specifically for one of our existing clients. Initially his goals were to improve fitness levels to be able to compete competitively in a 10k run. Now this has been achieved his next target is to build lean muscle mass and increase strength. Our client is naturally slim and has always struggled to gain weight. Through following our exercise and nutritional guidelines he will be able to achieve his weight gain goals. Below is the initial workout plan we will be following.


Time measured goals have been set and today will be the first of a 7 day plan which works with 3 days on and one off. Follow this blog each day for the whole programme.


DAY 1: Chest and Back

We will initially be doing 4 different exercises for each muscle group. Performing 5 sets of 8 reps per exercise

Chest exercises – Barbell bench press, cable fly, dumbbell bench press & dumbbell fly

Back exercises – deadlift, seated row, lat pulldown & upright row


It is important that our client pushes to their limits with the weight they lift. It should be a real struggle to achieve the 5 sets of 8 reps without however compromising technique. If you are easily able to do the sets then the weight needs to be adjusted. Setting goals with the weight you lift can give your workout more purpose and keep you focussed. We will record progress during sessions and review every few weeks.


Here we are focussing on exercise however nutrition is equally important. Calorie intake will need to be increased and naturally you will crave more food and your muscles demand repair. This is where it becomes important to have prepared your meals and snacks in advance. Without doing so you are more likely to eat whatever you can find, which can obviously lead to less controlled choices.

Our client’s initial weight 154lbs we will continue to track progress on a monthly basis over a 3 month period to see developments.