Home based exercise

Let’s face it there are many excuses not to exercise. Two of the most common ones being lack of time and money. Exercising from home can help with both of these obstacles.

As a personal trainer I often set my clients home workouts to supplement their sessions. So with the typical client that trains once a week they would also be set a target to complete 3-5 home sessions.

When designing a workout I will take into account any equipment that the client might have at their disposal. Such as a treadmill, dumbbells, exercise ball etc. This can easily be incorporated into a training programme. If I was to suggest a client buys kit for home use it would typically be just a resistance band and an exercise mat. However even without any equipment it is easy to design an effect workout.

A standard home workout might look like this:

60 x push ups
60 x squats
30 x split squats

2 minutes skipping
30 x burpees
30 x squat jumps
50 x mountain climbers
60 x jumping jacks

Plank x 1 minute
Floor bridge 3 sets of 10
Oblique crunch 2 x 12
Basic crunch 2 x 12

All workouts are tailored to the individual’s goals and abilities. For more information and to enquire about personal training please use the contact us link.